Transcription: Do naps count as meditation? While they’re better than holding thoughts that don’t feel good, but when you go to sleep, the momentum stops. But the likelihood is that you’re going to pick it up pretty quickly, where meditation actually changes the trajectory of the vibration. It’s like you could get drunk and...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #558 – Meditation Specifics
Transcription: So would you say as far as since we’re talking a lot about meditation today, would you say that the best way to practice meditation is in the morning and just to sit quietly, what we encourage morning is better because there’s less chatter to quiet but anytime is all right. Anytime that...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #557 – Mental Chatter And More
Transcription: So I’m really excited about this, just what you said that intuitive life where I follow the impulses as they come up. But I noticed that I have like this constant chatter in my mind that I don’t really pay attention to doesn’t matter unless the chatter is about things you don’t want...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #556 – She Was Ready
Transcription: Hello. I’m so happy to be here I am. But I have gotten a new appreciation for rap lately. I listened to it for six and a half hours in the car with my 14 year old yesterday. So I’m all in so he will let us know when the guy in Alabama...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #555 – Avoid Family Member
Transcription: And are you refreshed? Good. Now what? Hello, Abraham, thank you for calling on me. I have someone in my life who’s a family member, and in law, a brother in law, dun, dun dun let’s put it this way that we don’t gel. I won’t go into too much detail. But we...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #554 – Meditation Trepidation
Transcription: Hello, Abraham, it’s great to be here again, appreciate you and I appreciate everyone in the audience for their asking and their presence today. So what I’d really like some help with is some clarity around fine tuning to the solution. And going from that place of being in that meditative space quieting...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #553 – Being Honest With Mom
Transcription: Hi it feels like I’m on the prices right? And I’m definitely going to try to go on the show after this called the vibration is right. I love it I feel so good to be here. One of the things that I love to do is to bask in appreciation, I love...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #550 – Vibration Is Subtle
Transcription: Good morning. We are extremely pleased that you are here. It is good to come together for the purpose of CO creating. Do you agree? You’re knowing what you’re wanting? It’s good to want isn’t it? Desire is wonderful is it comes into clarity for you. Yes. And you’re getting better and better...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #549 – A Vortexual Close
Transcription: Yes, I just need some clarity. Three years ago, at around 2am, when I was in front of a computer, I just received this feeling that I had to go to our bedroom. And I got a candle. And my husband was sleeping, I woke him up with a candle in front of...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #548 – A Gift Of Prophecy
Transcription: Hello. I’m just so happy. You’re real. We are as real as you perceive us to be. Last year, I was actually dreaming about this. This is my first cruise my first seminar. And I’m with you now. And above all, I’m with my husband. So hello to my husband. I’m very happy...