Transcription: Hello, hello. Hi. We are we made again, in 23 days is going to be a year since I sit in this chair in Cancun. And it’s been a selfie, he had a desire and an expectation. So you might think we’ll be right back. So you might think, well, not fair, he...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #570 – Meditation And Inspired Action
Transcription: How do you make that switch? How do you get into this mode? Where these pure thoughts, these non resisted thoughts, these desires that are not contradicted by doubt? How do you get to that place? Well, there are some ways, when you wake up, you’re more likely to be there. making lists...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #569 – Reaching For Satisfaction
Transcription: So there are a few steps to the deliberate creating process. Step one is life causes you to ask. That’s what sifting and sorting does, you’re asking all day every day. And step two is what we just described to you, this maturation of your desires, tended by your inner being, and encouraged...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #568 – Your Non-Physical Perspective
Transcription: So, since you are an extension of source energy, you have a very powerful part of you, that is calling you toward who you really are and what you really want. As you came into this physical body, that non physical part of you remains non physically focused, which means that non physical...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #567 – Deactivating Contrary Beliefs
Transcription: Good morning. We are extremely pleased that you are here. It is good to come together for the purpose of CO creating. Do you agree? Your knowing what you’re wanting? It changes, doesn’t it? Yeah. Desire feels good. Yes. Sometimes Have you figured out how to come more and more into vibrational harmony...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #566 – More Ease At Work
Transcription: So, so my work always seems to be about my work. And yeah, well, it’s because it’s a manifestation. Yeah, there’s action involved in it. There’s a lot of action, but there’s action that you’ve let dominate your vibration. Yes. So you now know what to do about that. But I feel like...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #565 – Every Environment Can Deliver
Transcription: Hello. First, I just wanted to say that I was thinking about that BlueGlass and the butterfly and the feather story. And before and I was just thinking about how much I love that story. And how demonstrative it is about how nervous about it before we told it? Yes. So you may...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #564 – Tuning To Prosperity
Transcription: Abraham, one small question, right? How money can circulate in my life? Well, first, you have to deactivate the belief that it isn’t. Okay, because as long as the belief that money isn’t circulating in your life, then there’s a contradiction between your desire and your active vibration. But if you can manage...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #563 – Some General Advice
Transcription: A lot of power in knowing there’s no resistance in knowing there’s no doubt in knowing there’s absolute in knowing. Wow. I’ve had so many signs this morning. I will be here signs meaning indications that you’re ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready. Signs are fun,...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #562 – Eternity Is Just More Now
Transcription: I think I’ve gotten pretty good at what my mind thinks the eternal pneus of this is because when the manifestation comes, I’m not making that in the person or the thing, but don’t get carried away with trying to grasp eternity. Because you know what eternity is. It’s just more now. It’s...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #560 – Do Naps Count
Transcription: Do naps count as meditation? While they’re better than holding thoughts that don’t feel good, but when you go to sleep, the momentum stops. But the likelihood is that you’re going to pick it up pretty quickly, where meditation actually changes the trajectory of the vibration. It’s like you could get drunk and...
Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #558 – Meditation Specifics
Transcription: So would you say as far as since we’re talking a lot about meditation today, would you say that the best way to practice meditation is in the morning and just to sit quietly, what we encourage morning is better because there’s less chatter to quiet but anytime is all right. Anytime that...