Infinite Intelligence Podcast Episode #421 – Wanting Something Badly


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There’s a but But what about when there’s something you want so badly can’t get there from there, when you want it badly, the badly dominates. You see, here’s the thing. Going over here and quieted your mind, doesn’t make it go away. Because it’s over here where you and your quieted mind are. So when you quiet your mind, your desire doesn’t go away, you just gain access to it.

Access that works, getting ready to be ready to be ready to be ready. But if you’re trying to jump in over here, before you’re ready, then you’re not ready. And so you just keep demonstrating that you’re not ready, which makes you keep asking for it more. So it gets stronger. When you want something badly. When you want something that much, you know what it means. It’s really big over here, it’s really big. And your inner being is really broadcasting routes, paths, directions, ideas.

And the reason it feels uncomfortable to you is because you’re not ready to be ready. But it may not be with that specific guy or that specific drummer Bray way ahead of what we’re talking about, though, of course, that’s not the right person. This right person and you’re not ready. But in any case, once the answer doesn’t matter if it’s not the right person, or if you’re not ready, it’s still going like this. But if you go over here, and you get ready to be ready. Oh, satisfaction.

Oh, but what about that guy? Now you’ve lost your meditation. Might as well just get up and complain the rest of the day because it’s over for now. But if you get ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready. You’ll have so much fewer wild goose chases. But the wild goose chases were so good because they were part of step one. They were what helped you to put what you want over there. You see, you know what you really want in a relationship. Someone who’s ready to be ready while you’re ready to be ready and the universe says hey, you’re ready to be ready and you’re ready to be ready. Why don’t you go over there? Why don’t you go over there. Oh, hi.

And you know how you’re both ready to be ready is because you’re ready to be ready. And this looks like the best thing you’ve ever seen. And this looks like the best thing you’ve ever seen. You just want to take hold of each other’s hands and just walk away together forever and ever and ever and ever and ever.

Because you were ready to be ready to be ready be ready but if you’re not ready to be ready, it doesn’t matter if somebody else is ready to be ready. You’re not gonna run it this one’s ready to be ready to do to do to do to do you’re not ready to be ready but I want it so badly knew. But I want it so badly. Nunu, go over there and get ready to be ready.

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