What’s The Unconditional Effect? #67


Infinite Intelligence Episode #67 – What’s The Unconditional Effect?


I love what you’re saying about the journey I’m so on that we all want to manifest love. So recently you you asked, put a vibration out, we all want our beloved our soulmate and stuff like that. So I have a friend that I am currently in an unconditional love relationship with. It hasn’t manifested into the physical, but I’m really enjoying the fact and I accept the fact that I am in process on this bit reading up to 100,000 with him.

But you see, when you have an ulterior motive like that you mess it up. Because you’re not in love for the sake of love, you’re in love for the sake of where it’s going to lead. And that trips you up every time now of having unconditional attachment to because we love it because it feels good to love not because it’s gonna lead you to something you want, okay? You love for the sake of the feeling of love.

None of you say I’m breathing so that I can live a long life. Do you? Don’t you just breathe because it’s common sense right here and now. And so it’s the same sort of thing, you get into alignment, not because it’s gonna lead to a long and happy life to get into alignment because it feels so good. And in times so natural and time so good and so natural that nothing else will do. Nothing else will do.

You just lean in the direction of what feels good lean in the direction of what feels good, no matter what lean in the direction of what feels good. These ulterior motives, these motives. We’ve talked about this yesterday and today. And we think it’s really worth making a big point about it because you came to a place that you have not been before. And that is so often it’s the manifestation of something like money or relationship that you see as the beginning of living happily ever after.

And what we want to say is, there’s so much living happily ever after that has to come before that can come in order to live happily ever. That’s really a big point, isn’t it in this moment? Yeah. It doesn’t matter where you are on your journey. You need to be appreciative of that and have whatever it takes get off the subject if it’s a tripping point. Really good enough. Thank you

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